Sunday, July 6, 2008

Tired of Waiting, Gone Clubbing

Wow. I haven't written in here in nearly a week.

My ears hurt. They're still ringing and slightly numb from the speakers at the club. I actually just got back about an hour and change ago, around 4:30. Going clubbing alone was weird at first. And I definitely felt the cost more. I had to come in coupled with a girl I was waiting next to outside so we could both skip the 50-odd-person line, and having to tip the bouncer $20 was icing on the cake. Bad icing.

I spent some time just chilling at first and scoping out the venue, because I haven't been to Rich's in a while. Once I got started on the dance floor and the heavy house rhythms got pumping, though, everything got way better. Especially when they made the lights strobe-flash to the beats when they hit a crescendo. God, that stuff gets me so pumped up. But I think dancing is a lot better if you do it with your eyes closed, or at least a little. Distracting visuals disappear and you're swallowed in a sea of thumping bass and electronic melody. Then you just let your body carry to the rhythm. Great stuff. I kind of wish I had stayed longer.

Didn't get to see my 4th of July fireworks this year because of Landry's, but I got my lights and sounds show anyway. Sweet.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haha that's what clubbing is all about man. Tip the guy and you can get in, and you got a girl for the club, too. I say it's win-win.