Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Story So Far

It's almost been a week since I cut myself off from Facebook and it's still pretty hard.

In general, I do feel like I'm getting more work done. But when I'm bored (which is a lot!), I still get these impulsive urges to go check what's happenin' on my News Feed, then I remember I've Face-blocked myself, and I'll scrunch up my face in frustration. >_< Now I know what Dobby the house-elf felt like when he knew he did a bad thing and started punishing himself!

Or, sometimes, when I can't remember which web site I want to go to, my fingers start typing in "" without me even thinking about it, and I have one of those "What the heck am I doing?" moments. Kinda feels like, say, when you catch yourself in the middle of throwing away your pen with one hand and writing using a ball of scrap paper with the other. Hah, coordination fail!

And now, for some breaking news: It's the night before my O-Chem exam; yet, I still get these Facebook twinges, to go chat with friends, playing the "study break" card. Hah, we all know what THAT really means! Reminds me of that KoRn song, "Coming Undone...." (Keep holding on when my brain's ticking like a bomb / Guess the black thoughts have come again to get me)

Just go away, Facebook. Shoo.

At this rate, I hope I never get hooked onto cigarettes....Tobacco is whacko!

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