Thursday, June 26, 2008

Me N0 Can ReEd

I was heading to an Ultimate game tonight, up by where 610 and 290 cross, and I missed my turn. So I had to make a U-wey under two highways to get back. Lame.

Instead, I found something that totally made my week. I only wish I had my camera on me.

An eighteen-wheeler was stuck shut in the U-turn lane. In the worst possible way. It was almost completely overturned on its side. The truck and the cargo box were at a wild 90 degree angle, threatening to come apart. The driver was arguing with officers from the two squad cars parked there. Not 10 feet from them was a big sign that clearly said, "NO TRUCKS IN U-TURN." Lawl.

Could it get any better?

As I sat at the red light to make my U-wey the long way, another truck, a pickup, tried to round the same turn. It got to halfway through before the hick driver finally realized he was totally fucked. He tried to quietly reverse out of the lane with as little dignity lost as possible. Too bad a cop sneered over the megaphone: "Yeah, I guess you didn't see the big 18-wheeler in your way."

I almost died laughing.


Anonymous said...

I recently drove the ambulance recently and was scared shitless. Sure, there wasn't a patient, and sure, we actually weren't in service, but my whole life I'd only driven small asian cars. That, compounded with the ridiculously narrow roads around here, and the lack of parking that makes everyone and their mother's car be parked on the streets made me sweat everytime I had to push the gas pedal.
I'll tell you how it goes when I make a U-turn

Anonymous said...

Haha! It's a bad thing in Houston. 18 wheeler drivers are really under pressure to drive as quickly as possible, and to use whatever means possible to get to their destination. You can't really blame him, but America in general, because we want our goods on time.