Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Life with Landry's: Part One

I've decided to record the numerous escapades and misadventures I'm bound to have slaving away at Landry's into a blog mini-series.

For the past two days up until today, it was just boring stuff. Sign these forms. Give us these ID's. This is what you will wear. This is your server's Bible. This is how to welcome people. This is how to answer the phone. (We have to say "I can help you!" instead of "How can I help you?" when we do this. It's supposedly to make us appear assertive and make the customer feel comforted knowing someone knows what they're doing. But it's actually pretty ridiculous. I had to brush my tongue several times that night.) This is how you mix drinks. This is how we seat people. This is how you spit in customer's food. That kind of thing.

Anyway, today exploded into exciting mode. I followed JW around the restaurant as he waited tables. Everything is so tedious yet so awesome at the same time. Working the touch screen order machine, filling drinks, bringing food, regurgitating the menu, cleaning up, et cetera. Fortunately, thinking smartass wisecracks about the customers helped keep me sane. Like the time this one table couldn't decide what dessert they wanted, so after an eternity of waiting I said half-sarcastically, "Maybe you should just order them all and ask questions later." They loved it. I think I'm going to be alright at this waiter thing.

It also kind of helped that JW is kind of a badass. I was half-expecting a lame robot waiter who would recite what I'd already been learning: "This is how you do this. This is how you do that." Lucky for me, he made the whole experience pretty fun with jokes and harassing other waiters. Like the time we were going through the points system, and I asked what would happen if you cussed at a manager, since cussing in general got you docked points. J-Dub immediately flagged down Paul the floor manager.

JW: "Hey Paul. Come here."
Paul: "What? What is it?"
JW: (smiling)"Fuck you."
Paul: "Sorry, you're not my type."

So I plan on doing a lot of cussing. And smiling. But at the same time.

The best part, though, wasn't until I found out about "trainee's tab."(my word.) I get whatever I want, whenever I want, free! It's gotta be below $12.99, of course, but it's free! Not even the 50% Employee Discount. It's free! Gotta love that F word.

Once I heard about this policy from heaven, I then proceeded to order, and subsequently destroy, a fully-loaded Po-Boy dish, complete with fries and onion rings. The thing was the size of my thigh! I helped myself to three glasses of iced mouthgasm - I mean, Dr. Pepper. A small child may have also gotten in the way between my food and my mouth. I'm not sure. I was pretty hungry at the time. In any case, nothing but a few crumbs were left in the aftermath of the Po-Boy Massacre. And there I sat, satiated like a tiger that has just enjoyed its first kill.

Today was a much better experience than almost getting thrown into prison yesterday when I went to West Oaks. I hope it only gets better from here. If it does, I don't think this summer is going to be so bad after all.

Monday, May 26, 2008

The Other Side

For some reason I can't sleep tonight, but I'm sure I know why.

Living life recently kind of feels like watching a movie. I hate it when there are so many conflicting voices of my brain telling me different things, kind of like a bratty audience that won't shut up and let me enjoy. Makes me sound kinda psycho, but usually I'll act on one of the random thoughts and it feels like I'm just passively watching it happen. Then my mind will go, "Did I really just do that? Is that really what you wanted to do?" Past, present, future, too often I wish I could just get all the thoughts out of my head and just be.

Reminds me of the feeling I get in Ultimate when I lay out for a disc, in perfect form. My only goal flying in front of me through space. I zero in on that and nothing else; without thinking, I explode every ounce of my being through the air, towards clutching plastic. No regrets about past mistakes, no agonizing over future decisions. No heartache or worry. The three tenses and all other forces of the world become erased from existence altogether.

For one single, wonderful, glorious moment, it's just me and what I want.

And then you have to come back down to earth and play the game.

Is it possible to be too aware of a situation? Too analytical, too calculating, too obsessive over the dynamics of what's happening, as it's happening? To the point where your understanding and desire to control disrupts a perfectly natural process? Politics, science, economics, art, love? Wouldn't it be interesting if we could all just exist in one singularity, flow through one frame of mind and time? Manipulation and greedy desire begone. Maybe it would make people more honest.

I wonder what it's like on the other side. Ignorance is bliss? Would that make cognition and awareness equal pain and suffering? If knowledge is power, and power corrupts, then knowledge is corruption? Lame syllogism, but it's something to turn over.

You know...this would be hilariously funny to talk about if I were high.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Summer Cleaning

After an eventful Saturday yesterday, I'm doomed to spend the last truly free day of my summer cleaning up the dumpster that is my house. I'm writing this as I finish up the last of my one-hour break.

Can't wait for Landry's orientation tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

It was that good.

There's an interesting article out recently about Barack and Michelle on "Good Morning America". Barack had this to say to GOP ads targetting his wife: "Lay off my wife. "

One of the interesting commenters had this to say on the subject:

"I urge all of you to consider the possibility that we could actually change how politics are practiced in this country - that perhaps Obama is right and spouses shouldn't be attacked as political fodder but that instead we could and should focus on the issues facing this country. Issues that are enormous, with a profound impact on our future - and that of our children and grandchildren.I don't want to see any spouse dragged through the mud - it's got nothing to do with solving our problems and adds to the negative feel so many have about politics. Just because it's been done that way before doesn't mean we have to continue - this is the United States of America, after all, the country pioneered so much that is good in this world and has always been at it's best when reaching for what is higher and better!We can and must continue to demand better not worse - and this is why I agree with Obama and don't want to see attacks on any of the spouses (Bill, Cindy or Michelle). I hope many of you will consider this possibility - and recognize that we, as consumers and voters, can make a difference.Obama is raising the bar - and challenging all of us to do the same. I'm ready...........and hope you'll join us. "

To add extra spice, the commenter's name was "brighterworld".

Here was my response:

"brighterworld, I understand where you're coming from....but was the crack that good?

"pioneered so much that is good in this world"..."has always been at it's[sic] best when reaching what is higher and better"..."I don't want to see any spouse dragged through the mud." Would you listen to yourself for a second? You sound like you just came out of a PG-rated movie. Welcome to the United States in the 21st friggin' century.

While it's true that dragging unidentified spouses through the mud won't address any of our problems in North Korea, Iran, or anywhere else, the fact is that she opened her mouth and she should be held responsible for what she said. Like it or not, this is politics. If she can't handle the heat, she should get back into the kitchen. You make it sound as if right-wingers have only been focused all this time on attacking poor, helpless wives dressed in sheepskin. Wrong.

Whether or not Michelle is Obama's wife is irrelevant now. Where she could have had her privacy and immunity, she decided to step into the limelight, become her own political being and make her own political attacks on others. Not to mention her entire anti-American history. You should look into it sometime. And when she gets her own criticism in return, is it fair for her husband to step in and say, "No, you can't attack her, leave her out of this" just because she can't handle what she should have expected? Or is it all because she's black and any kind of criticism against her gets the "helpless against racism" card?

Even more importantly, when Obama gets this kind of criticism from foreign states, will he play the "Don't attack me, I'm not a part of this" card? Michelle and Barack need to take responsibility for themselves if Barack intends to have any kind of credibility in this race. If he can't be held responsible for his campaign in the picture of Washington politics, how will he fare as President, dealing with foreign nations?

As for you, find a better name. "Brighterworld" doesn't make you any more right than the rest of us.

Next batter up."

Monday, May 19, 2008

On Barack Obama

Read an interesting comment today on the Washington Post blog of the 75,000-person crowd Obama drew yesterday in Oregon. It basically sums up my entire view of his campaign.

Obama will help me find a job.
Obama will feed my family.
Obama will bring change.
Obama will bring hope.
Obama will lead me out of the darkness.
Obama will pay my rent.

How? Well he really doesnt say how he will do it but I believe him because he looks like a very nice man. He speaks well. Also he smiled at me and shook my hand at a rally. That's good enough for me.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Summer Limbo

It's only my second day back in Houston and I already feel it. The vacuum. The strangling, suffocating, relentless feeling of "Blah...I really don't feel like doing anything right now." It envelops me like an ominous cloud, a cloud of Houston smog, to be exact, spinning faster and faster, growing larger and to more gargantuan proportions of sloth. Clawing its way through the very essence of my being, threatening to devour me and all exciting, reckless things I stand for. Whispering, like a Siren, temptingly in my ear, that an afternoon spent in bed might not be so bad after all.

Maybe it is something in the air.

In any case, the entire situation bothers me. Summer is suddenly here, but it doesn't feel like it. It feels like only yesterday that I was scrambling around my room, frantically throwing everything I could into a luggage case. Only two days ago that I was sleeping in the study lounge with friends, preparing for finals. Only a week ago that I first stepped foot into my Jester dorm. And only two weeks ago that I crossed the stage at graduation. If summer is really here, it should have sent me a memo.

In any case, there's a house to be cleaned, forms to be filled, luggage to be unpacked, jobs to go get, and a mountain of other things to do that seems so tempting to ignore right now. Is this what a vacation feels like? I can't believe I'm saying this, but if that's the case, I can't wait to get back to work.

I feel like not.

Monday, May 12, 2008

My Fortune Faded

6 AM. I spring awake to Lil Jon screaming "Let's Go" as if I had been shocked with a defibrillator. It was time to get back on track for studying Genetics. My final is at 2 PM today (so 2.5 hours from now), and after going to bed at 3 AM my plan was to get as much studying as I could in from then on until the final.

No problem now. I was wide awake. Time to get working.

9 AM. I'm still lying in bed. Huh?! 9 AM??? Where did the time go?

"Oh, FUCK ME," I groan. Face held in my hands, I realized I only had 5 more hours to study instead of 8. My time had been cut almost in half. I was going to fail Genetics now, for sure. I spent a while cursing myself and wondering why couldn't I just get up and stay up like I was supposed to. Why did I have to cut my sleep time short? Why did I cut my study time in half? If I had just gotten up, I would have had a chance.

But then, it hit me. Did I really have that much of a chance? Would 3 more hours really have helped me that much more?

I already knew the answer. I had a snowball's chance in hell that anything at this point would have made any substantial difference.

The truth was, it wasn't my oversleeping 3 hours that brought about all this. It's been my approach and execution of what I did every day of my life this semester, up to this moment. At the beginning of the semester, I thought fall semester had taught me my lesson. I had everything planned out. Yet here I am now, remembering so many wasted days and nights, so many counterproductive hours doing stupid things for no reason whatsoever. So many times I turned down offers to even go out and party, and in the end wasted the night doing nothing. I could have executed studying for Genetics. I could have executed hanging out with friends. Instead, I haven't learned a thing.

Bruce Lee once said, "To spend time is to pass it in a specified manner. To waste time is to expend it thoughtlessly or carelessly. We all have time to spend or waste, and it is our decision what to do with it. But once passed, it is gone forever."

The sum total of your life and its quality amounts to the sum total of all the decisions you have ever made. Over the course of the semester, I decided to put things off. I got nothing. And it's not until now, at the end of the semester, that I realize how small of a total I've built up. I have repeatedly made the choice to compact all my stresses more and more into one apocalyptic time period, to try to make up for that total. While I made the conscious choice "No, I'll just do it later," the real decision I made unconsciously was "Yes, I want pain. I want suffering. I want to fail." I refused to listen to the real message. I have sealed my fate. I have chosen to fail, and I will fail.

A professor of mine also once said to me, "There is no magic to how people succeed. It's only that you do what you set out to do. Give a successful person an hour, and at the end of the hour, the successful person will have something to show you for what they did. An unsuccessful person will take that hour, and at the end have nothing to show for it. Which type of person are you?"

So, it's really no longer that I will fail. Regardless of whatever grade I end up with, the final result is, I have already failed. I failed to learn discipline. I failed to learn daily execution. I failed to build the skills and mindset that sticking with my classes would have taught me. I even failed to party my ass off as hard as I could, whenever I could. I failed to make this semester worthwhile. Over and over, and over again, I have failed where I could have succeeded.

So divine, hell of an elevator
All the while, my fortune faded.
Never mind the consequences of the crime this time,
My fortune's faded.

So, the past is done with. But what about the future? I wish I could say that I will no longer fail. Ease the pain and reassure myself that next semester will be better. After all, I've learned my lesson, right? But right now, what control do I really have over that? Worrying myself and creating anxiety over a future I can't control is suffering. And I've done enough of that.

I like an Albert Einstein quote that reads, "I never worry about the future. It always comes soon enough."

So sure, somewhere in the near future, I plan to straighten myself out, but the truth is that the future comes when it comes. It doesn't matter at all how you plan to do something in the future. Doesn't that sound ridiculous?

But it's true. The fact is, regardless of how much I plan to do something, I haven't done it yet, so I'm still the same person. Only the present matters. That's what Einstein realized, and that's what I have failed to make a part of my life.

The past is dead. The future is unborn. Only the living moment matters.

So, as I try my best to quiet the pit of snakes in my stomach (the butterflies are long gone), all I can do for now is forget the exam is 2 hours away, and my life at present is all about spending each second slowing the bleeding from a wound I've kept open all semester.

I am who I choose to be.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mother's Day.

I was just sifting through a few sports pages and thought these were pretty interesting, on the topic of mothers and family.

An incredible story about Chris Andersen and his mom raising him from backwoods Texas. Apparently, despite her bending over backwards to raise him out of destitution, he rejected her as soon as he entered the NBA, leaving her only with empty promises. Pretty sad.

I was not a CP3 fan until I watched this video. I had respect for his fantasy stats, but this changed my mind. His grandpa is murdered the day after he signs with Wake Forest, and the next game he scores 61 points, one for each year his grandpa lived. The intentionally missed foul shot at the end is touching too.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

I am




Some words of strength I can use for the next few days.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

I'm Dead

...Days. FINALS SUCK. And I have four of them. Gross.

Went to a Dulles prom this past weekend. Hate to admit it, but I had a blast. It was much better overall than my own Westside prom last year, but not really because of what they did do. It was more of what they didn't do that made it so much fun. Like not having Deans filter through the dance mass with oversized Fun Police flashlights, separating people who were dancing too close. Or not having the dance floor lights on blaringly bright. Or not hiring DJs who played crap rap-hop beats that even I didn't know. Or not hiring Brazilian strippers that gave us free on-site services.

Just kidding.

But point being, there's just a fine line of people's bullshit I can take before even I have to say "Enough already!", and sadly, Westside's prom started off a mile past that line. Seriously, I think the Westside folks just sat down one day at a meeting and said to themselves, "Okay, what can we possibly do to make prom as much of a disappointment as possible? We're way short of meeting our 'SUCK' quota."

Not to mention that crazy-unnecessary little side adventure I had to take with Chino and Yolanda before we got there.

But luckily for me, Dulles' prom was actually....normal. Good location. Good food. Organization. No fights. Good people. Good mix of music. They even had techno. Except for the times where they messed up and played Avril/Fergie songs. But it was all a great vibe. Plus, there was the fact that nobody there knew me. I therefore took the opportunity to go as uninhibitedly wild as I could.

I recklessly broke into the black people's Soulja Boy ring to show them how UT boys crank it.

I waltzed with my date to a freaky song. (To be fair, I had to be creative because grinding was a big no-no with her.)

I started my own dance circle and Crip-walked like nobody's business.

And I absolutely, positively FLIPPED OUT when Sandstorm came on.

I also snuck away for a few minutes to dance with this smoking hot Hispanic chick in the middle of a grind song, but that's another story.

I mean, if I'm going to spend $100+ on a tux rental, $33 on bus tickets, $20 on dinner, AND miss out on the half dozen drinky-freaky parties I was invited to that weekend, I gotta make it worth it. As an afterthought, I suppose agreeing to prom a year in advance and missing half the prom events because my bus rolled into Houston late also factors in there somewhat.

The company I was with wasn't bad, either. My date told me they were anime geeks, so I went in figuring they'd be kinda lame and I'd awkward my way through the night somehow, but they ended up being kinda cool. Even "pedo-bait." Except for the one other guy in our prom pool. I'll give him credit because he had a snazzy cosplay tux (even though my white-black inverted tux was way better), but dude needed to man up in the worst way. Like, going to the girls' bathroom with the rest of the girls, kind of worst way. I kinda felt bad for his date, because she was pretty cute and looked like she wanted to dance a lot more than she actually did.

But, overall, the dance, dinner and after-party were pretty good. The last two were by no means wild, but at least they all didn't suck like last year. And I haven't seen Lion King in a while. All in all, one of the best non-alcoholic ways I could have ended my school year before the Dead Days grind.