Tuesday, May 6, 2008

I'm Dead

...Days. FINALS SUCK. And I have four of them. Gross.

Went to a Dulles prom this past weekend. Hate to admit it, but I had a blast. It was much better overall than my own Westside prom last year, but not really because of what they did do. It was more of what they didn't do that made it so much fun. Like not having Deans filter through the dance mass with oversized Fun Police flashlights, separating people who were dancing too close. Or not having the dance floor lights on blaringly bright. Or not hiring DJs who played crap rap-hop beats that even I didn't know. Or not hiring Brazilian strippers that gave us free on-site services.

Just kidding.

But point being, there's just a fine line of people's bullshit I can take before even I have to say "Enough already!", and sadly, Westside's prom started off a mile past that line. Seriously, I think the Westside folks just sat down one day at a meeting and said to themselves, "Okay, what can we possibly do to make prom as much of a disappointment as possible? We're way short of meeting our 'SUCK' quota."

Not to mention that crazy-unnecessary little side adventure I had to take with Chino and Yolanda before we got there.

But luckily for me, Dulles' prom was actually....normal. Good location. Good food. Organization. No fights. Good people. Good mix of music. They even had techno. Except for the times where they messed up and played Avril/Fergie songs. But it was all a great vibe. Plus, there was the fact that nobody there knew me. I therefore took the opportunity to go as uninhibitedly wild as I could.

I recklessly broke into the black people's Soulja Boy ring to show them how UT boys crank it.

I waltzed with my date to a freaky song. (To be fair, I had to be creative because grinding was a big no-no with her.)

I started my own dance circle and Crip-walked like nobody's business.

And I absolutely, positively FLIPPED OUT when Sandstorm came on.

I also snuck away for a few minutes to dance with this smoking hot Hispanic chick in the middle of a grind song, but that's another story.

I mean, if I'm going to spend $100+ on a tux rental, $33 on bus tickets, $20 on dinner, AND miss out on the half dozen drinky-freaky parties I was invited to that weekend, I gotta make it worth it. As an afterthought, I suppose agreeing to prom a year in advance and missing half the prom events because my bus rolled into Houston late also factors in there somewhat.

The company I was with wasn't bad, either. My date told me they were anime geeks, so I went in figuring they'd be kinda lame and I'd awkward my way through the night somehow, but they ended up being kinda cool. Even "pedo-bait." Except for the one other guy in our prom pool. I'll give him credit because he had a snazzy cosplay tux (even though my white-black inverted tux was way better), but dude needed to man up in the worst way. Like, going to the girls' bathroom with the rest of the girls, kind of worst way. I kinda felt bad for his date, because she was pretty cute and looked like she wanted to dance a lot more than she actually did.

But, overall, the dance, dinner and after-party were pretty good. The last two were by no means wild, but at least they all didn't suck like last year. And I haven't seen Lion King in a while. All in all, one of the best non-alcoholic ways I could have ended my school year before the Dead Days grind.

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