Tuesday, May 20, 2008

It was that good.

There's an interesting article out recently about Barack and Michelle on "Good Morning America". Barack had this to say to GOP ads targetting his wife: "Lay off my wife. "

One of the interesting commenters had this to say on the subject:

"I urge all of you to consider the possibility that we could actually change how politics are practiced in this country - that perhaps Obama is right and spouses shouldn't be attacked as political fodder but that instead we could and should focus on the issues facing this country. Issues that are enormous, with a profound impact on our future - and that of our children and grandchildren.I don't want to see any spouse dragged through the mud - it's got nothing to do with solving our problems and adds to the negative feel so many have about politics. Just because it's been done that way before doesn't mean we have to continue - this is the United States of America, after all, the country pioneered so much that is good in this world and has always been at it's best when reaching for what is higher and better!We can and must continue to demand better not worse - and this is why I agree with Obama and don't want to see attacks on any of the spouses (Bill, Cindy or Michelle). I hope many of you will consider this possibility - and recognize that we, as consumers and voters, can make a difference.Obama is raising the bar - and challenging all of us to do the same. I'm ready...........and hope you'll join us. "

To add extra spice, the commenter's name was "brighterworld".

Here was my response:

"brighterworld, I understand where you're coming from....but was the crack that good?

"pioneered so much that is good in this world"..."has always been at it's[sic] best when reaching what is higher and better"..."I don't want to see any spouse dragged through the mud." Would you listen to yourself for a second? You sound like you just came out of a PG-rated movie. Welcome to the United States in the 21st friggin' century.

While it's true that dragging unidentified spouses through the mud won't address any of our problems in North Korea, Iran, or anywhere else, the fact is that she opened her mouth and she should be held responsible for what she said. Like it or not, this is politics. If she can't handle the heat, she should get back into the kitchen. You make it sound as if right-wingers have only been focused all this time on attacking poor, helpless wives dressed in sheepskin. Wrong.

Whether or not Michelle is Obama's wife is irrelevant now. Where she could have had her privacy and immunity, she decided to step into the limelight, become her own political being and make her own political attacks on others. Not to mention her entire anti-American history. You should look into it sometime. And when she gets her own criticism in return, is it fair for her husband to step in and say, "No, you can't attack her, leave her out of this" just because she can't handle what she should have expected? Or is it all because she's black and any kind of criticism against her gets the "helpless against racism" card?

Even more importantly, when Obama gets this kind of criticism from foreign states, will he play the "Don't attack me, I'm not a part of this" card? Michelle and Barack need to take responsibility for themselves if Barack intends to have any kind of credibility in this race. If he can't be held responsible for his campaign in the picture of Washington politics, how will he fare as President, dealing with foreign nations?

As for you, find a better name. "Brighterworld" doesn't make you any more right than the rest of us.

Next batter up."

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